Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Few words on FBML 'error saving' message and about the adverts besides fan pages

FBML error message: There was an error saving. try at a later time. ?!
While editing my FBML (to update my external links from the facebook page to my site) this error message occurred. And it has been for two days already. I just wonder if Facebook has decided to 'cut' or disable the ability to post external links to your site.

Also, have you noticed one more weird thing - ads to the right of the fan pages ?! Interestingly enough they appear only when the page admin edits-browse their own pages. Hopefully, a visitor (potential fan/subscriber) will not see those ads. Otherwise, it is not fair. You have spent money to advertise your fan page and to acquire fans and now facebook tries to boost their ad revenues by posting ads on every empty space.

Well, let's not complain. Still, a well made fan page can get you over 200 visits and even more pageviews per day of referred by facebook traffic.

1 comment:

Facebook Application said...

This site is awesome and impressive to me, i have found some great things over here.