Saturday, January 12, 2008

Advertising Small Business on Facebook: Examples & Effect

Facebook can become a great vehicle for spreading the message about your business and ultimately getting more customers, if you know how to use right the four spots where you can advertise on Facebook.

1. Marketplace - great for selling your stuff. For example, you buy electronics from eBay and you sell it through Facebook's marketplace - the rationale in doing that is in the fact that most people are still scared to give their credit card number online even when the seller is eBay.

Paying for Sponsored Listings in Marketplace can increase the visibility of your message.

2. Groups - great tool for promoting your competences, videos, website, store, dancing studio, etc… How?! - Simply by posting interesting catchy posts on the topic of interest.

3. Share a link - great option attached to your wall. Can be used for promoting website articles (like this one) that will be interesting to the people in your friends network.

4. Flyers - all of the above are free ways to promote your business - actually it is not free if you count the time and energy to make the writing work - but flyers, that’s the paid form of advertising on Facebook. More on flyers here. Actually, they are now called Social Ads, but the principle is still the same.

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