Saturday, January 19, 2008

Research: Does sex sell? Examples from Facebook.

The answer is Yes-No-Maybe or it all depends. For some products sex images work for some they just don’t. Beer brands advertising are good examples of how sex sells. On the other hand bikini models in Caribbean travel cruise advertising have negative effect because women who eventually will book the travel feel threatened.
Let’s look now at the ads on Facebook.

This is a free listing at Marketplace and the ad is for home business opportunity – by the way, in 99% of the cases in ads like this you are lured to buy an e-book that teaches you how others have made millions on the internet. The ad is done to attract attention - it has the two topics that capture the imagination of both men and women for all times in the history – sex and money. The way it works is fairly simple. Someone registers 50 profiles, logs into 50 regional networks and floats the marketplace with attention grabber pics and promises for richness. And yes, it sells.

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